The Cost of Voting

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Critical Analysis

  1. In what state is it hardest to vote?

  2. Identify one geographic or demographic pattern* in the level of difficulty of voting?

  3. Why do you think that is?

  4. How do you think this will impact the 2020 election?

  5. Explain how this map reflects the concept of federalism.

  6. If democracy is government by the people, then a voting system that values democracy would try to include all the people. Would you say that we include all the people the same?

  7. Describe one structure of the American electoral system that makes voting more difficult.

  8. Describe one reform that would make voting easier.

  9. In April 2020, a 20-year voter fraud study by MIT University found the level of fraud "exceedingly rare" since it occurs only in "0.00006 percent" of instances nationally, and, in one state, "0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States. List one argument for increasing the ease of voting and one argument for increasing the difficulty of voting and explain which argument is more persuasive to you.

  10. Explain the impact of ease of voting on voter turnout.*

  11. Imagine that a citizen wanted to get their state to make voting easier. How would they best go about making that happen?

  12. Based on these maps, articles, and your knowledge of American politics, does the United States have free and fair elections?

Visual Extension*

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Learning Extension

Read the MIT Voting Election Data Science Lab report on voting by mail.

Action Extension

Learn about the voting guidelines in your state. And don’t be racist. Also, on Thursday, October 22, students and teachers can join a live discussion with New York Times journalists about the Electoral College. Register now. The free event starts at 1 p.m. Eastern.


Poll Watch


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