Vote by Male or Female

Critical Analysis

  1. How do most Americans plan to vote on Election Day?

  2. How does which political candidate Americans support impact they are planning to vote?

  3. Why do you think that is?

  4. What is one consequence of this?

  5. Is this good news?

  6. If you are of voting age, how do you plan on voting in 2020?

  7. How do you think this difference in opinion will impact the results of the election?

  8. How do you think this difference in opinion will impact overall voter turnout?

  9. Do you think we will know who won the election on the night of the election?

  10. Donald Trump is voting by mail in 2020. Why do you think so few Donald Trump supporters are planning to vote by mail?

  11. How different do you think these numbers were in the 2016 election?

  12. How different do you think these numbers will be in the 2024 election?

Learning Extension

Take a dive into the Economist/You Gov data on American views on voting.

Action Extension

You can go online and find out whether you or someone you love is registered to vote in about 20 seconds.

Visual Extension

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