Rule of Law

AP US Government and Politics


  1. What is the meaning of Rule of Law?

  2. Use Rule of Law in a sentence (that won’t come back to haunt you):

  3. Describe a connection to Rule of Law in current events:

  4. Find an image related to Rule of Law:

Fun Facts


Rule of Law: Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are:

  • Publicly promulgated

  • Equally enforced

  • Independently adjudicated

  • Consistent with international human rights principles


The courts play an integral role in maintaining the rule of law, particularly when they hear the grievances voiced by minority groups or by those who may hold minority opinions.  Equality before the law is such an essential part of the American system of government that, when a majority, whether acting intentionally or unintentionally, infringes upon the rights of a minority, the Court may see fit to hear both sides of the controversy in court.

Current Events

Court-Packing: A Blow Against the Rule of Law

AP US Government and Politics

AP US Government and Politics


  1. What is the Rule of Law?

  2. Is the U.S. Constitution compatible with the rule of law?

  3. If we didn’t have independent courts would we have rule of law?

  4. Explain whether the Trump administration tested the principle of the rule of law?

  5. Would you rather have rule of law or rule of slaw?

AP Studio Art

Now draw rule of law! Take 10 or 20 seconds. That’s all you need. Nothing fancy. Don’t expect a masterpiece. Draw with symbols or stick figures if you wish. Now Look at your drawing. You’ve got it. That’s all.

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Participatory democracy


Selective Incorporation